New Rules for Labelling are here
Legal requirements for labels and stickers have changed as a result of the UK's departure from the European Union and the new free trade agreement.
Some changes must be made immediately, while others are being phased in over time.
Crown Labels are working hard to provide an overview of labelling updates to help you assess what changes your company may need to make.
Brexit Labelling Changes from 2021
The UK 'implementation period' has now ended, with new rules now in effect for trading with the European Union and placing goods on the UK market. Many changes will be required immediately for goods that are entering the EU, such as new requirements for having listed operator addresses and references to product sourcing.
For other changes, particularly for those for the UK domestic market, many are being introduced gradually. The government recommends that changes are made as soon as possible, but existing stocks of labels which confirm to previous rules are allowed to be sold for a limited period of time.
Post-Brexit Labelling Changes
EU Distributor Information

If your product is being distributed in the European Union, you may need an EU Distribution address listed on the product, label or packaging. You also won't be able to use 'Made in EU' or EU flags without permission.
Products of Animal Origin

Products of Animal Origin which are sourced in the UK will no longer be able to use the 'EC' reference code within the Product of Animal Origin oval, instead requiring 'UK' 'GB' or 'United Kingdom'.
CE Conformity Markings

Products sold on the UK cannot only have the European Union CE symbol. This has been replaced with the new UKCA logo, and UKNI logo for goods that are being sold in Northern Ireland, to indicate conformity to standards.
This page was last updated on 4th January 2021 to reflect confirmation of the UK's trading relationship with the European Union.
Content published by Crown Labels in relation to Brexit and The United Kingdom's departure from the European Union is a broad overview and should not be considered specific guidance for your organisation, or legal advice. We recommend conducting your own specific research into how changes in the law may impact your labelling requirements, both in the United Kingdom and European Union, and seeking independent guidance/legal advice.